Optimized Special Metal
Engineering Technology and Customizing Facility

We have developed special metal manufacturing technology by accumulating continuous R&D and technology. We have the best-proven technology such as welding, titanium forming, bending, processing stress relief thermal processing technology, and non-destructive inspection welding quality assurance. N-One Tech provides customers with products tailored to their needs based on our special metal technology capabilities.

Industrial Components
Design Technology

Design technology of Copper foil film insoluble titanium electrode

Calculation technology of pressure vessel force

3D Modeling technology

Manufacturing Technology
using Special Metal

Nonferrous metal special welding

Nonferrous metal forming method

Precision processing technology (tool selection, cutting method)

Thermal processing technology

Technology to Develop Dedicated Equipment and Components

Copper foil production facility technology

Display OLED deposition facility parts

Carrier Tray of Display Semiconductor TFT (Thin Film Transistor)

Defense parts

Pressure vessel